Well, I have started the year with confidence, if not fitness. 90 days to go to the Santiago marathon, and no target set, simply get to the start line and, all being well, to the finish line. So, with this in mind, I should report my main training resolution - I am off the pop for three months. Years ago, when I was running seriously, this was a regular occurrence, but in recent years I have failed to keep this up, but this year I have good reason. My weight at the start of the year is hovering around the 92 Kgs, and by the race I definitely want to be under 85 Kgs, and if I can get nearer 82 Kgs, I would be even happier.
With all this in mind, Sunday saw me running the first 75% of the Hash as a FRB (Front Running Bas***d), which was around 8Km, and at a healthy pace, given the temperature was over the 30 mark. Obviously the summer weather here does not make for ideal training conditions, so today, an even hotter day, I went to the gym, and did an easy 3Km run in 16:11. I aim to use the treadmill four times a week, with two longer runs outdoors, either early morning, or evening, to turn over a 6 day a week regime. Easy at first, and then adding a hint of speed work as the stamina increases.
No easy tasks over the next few weeks, but lets hope this years beginnings can be maintained over the 13 weeks left to me. If all goes well with Santiago, and that simply means a finish, then Rosario in June may be on the cards, and Punte de Este in Uruguay, come September, when the winter temps here are more conducive to training, should me races that I can target with a degree of confidence, ending with the plan to run the Dublin Marathon back home at the end of October, along with my son.
That's mapped out the year, now, on with the training.....
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