Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sunday April 2nd - Restarting

Sunday. One week after Connemara, and although I had a little run on Tuesday to blow away the lactic left in my legs after the Marathon, I have had a week of rest, relaxation, far too many beers, and I guess a week is a long time of inactivity.

So today, Sunday I went out for a run. Not far, just 5 miles, in windy conditions around the local roads. Have to admit to feeling under the weather, somehow connected to the bottle of Medoc I polished off last night, but I got around at a little over 8 minute pace, and from a running point of view, feeling OK.

I actually have a busy week, with a Grand Prix event at Clonliffe Harriers on Thursday, a 4 mile track race, followed by the BUPA Great Ireland Run on Sunday next, over 10 Km in the Phoenix Park. Back into the swing of it tomorrow as I launch straight into a busy month, climaxing in the second leg of my Irish Grand Slam, up in Belfast on May 1st.

This Blog is a new venture for me. I have been writing posts on running fora for many years, but never thought to devise my own personal space and keep my records together, for me to peruse, and others to enjoy. It's in its infancy at the moment, but I'm working on improving it, and providing more details about myself and my running. I hope to amuse, inform, keep myself motivated as I work through the year on my goals. I'll post more about them as I go, for now, I'm enjoying my running, and looking forward to Belfast.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Thanks for stopping by at my blog - there are precious few Irish running blogs around here.

I must have overtaken you in Connemara somewhere around the 20 miles mark, maybe next time we'll be able to spot each other.

I did Belfast last year and hated it. The route left town at mile 16, ran around the airport and some deserted industrial wasteland until the finish with nobody there to cheer you on when you most needed it (apart from the one spot in Holywood). I understand they've changed the route this year, so hopefully the experience will be improved. Good luck on the Grand Slam, and I hope your recovery from Connemara will be complete by the time you're on the Belfast starting line.