Saturday, April 29, 2006

Heading Up North

The title says it all, we are heading Up North, towards Belfast, and the Marathon, taking place on Monday. I'll be away from my PC until Tuesday, so I apologise in advance for being behind the times at posting my report, but hopefully it will be worth the wait.

The last few days have been eventful, although not in a positive way. Like an idiot, on Wednesday evening I played 5 a side soccer, and along with improving my blisters :), I managed to strain a muscle in my groin stretching for a ball, and stubbed my toe to boot! All good preparation for running a marathon. The toe is OK, the blisters I have learned to live with, and as I write this on Saturday, some 48 hours before the race, the groin has responded to ice, and hopefully will be 95% recovered by Monday - See, I'm getting my excuses in early :)

All being well, I will run a decent race on Monday. I'm not looking for anything earth-shattering, so don't get too disppointed if my time seems ordinary - the object is to get around, enjoy the race and build from this towards Dublin in October.

See you all on Tuesday..........................................................................................