Monday, April 11, 2011

Over the Cold

As Theia mentioned, an update is required on my cold and what's happening. Well, I'm glad to report that I have just about got rid of the cold and chest infection which laid me low last week. Suffice to say I didn't get any running done while I was ill. If it had just been a head cold I would have run through it, but the coughing and chest problems made me stay off the road, and I'm glad i did.

However, I did manage to run yesterday, Sunday. And it was one heck of a run. As you know, I hash with the Buenos Aires Hash House Harriers, and yesterday, we joined forces with our colleagues in the Uruguay Hash, and held the First Hash del Rio Plata, in Colonia de Sacremento, Uruguay. It was an early morning call, and the boat across the River Plate to Colonia, meeting up with friendly hashers from BA on the boat, and arriving nice and early for the hash, with the sun sitting high in the sky, and a beautiful warm autumn day was at hand fo rthis inaugral run.

All in all there were around 50 people out for the run, and the hares did us proud as they took the run across beaches, through the river, up a hillside (and back down again), through the old town of Colonia itself, with cries of On On getting strange looks from the tourists wondering what was happening. We clambered over rocks, slid down grassy banks, got wet, ran on the beach and finally got back to the starting point, with a run of around 12 kilometres under our belts. My legs certainly feel the run today, and yesterday I confess to feeling tight on the chest as the last remnants of the infection hung around. BUT, I am back running after the little illness break, and promise more details as I progress.

I did get on the scales this morning, and unsurprisingly as I took no exercise, my weight has remained at the 90 Kilo mark this week, but I am happy enough with that, knowing that I will be back upping the miles (or should I say Kilometres), as this week progresses.

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