Monday, May 21, 2007

The Best Laid Plans etc... Part two

I seem to recall a similar post last fall, but I have been trying to get the running going forward, but once again circumstances have got in the way. Previous readers will know that my mum has been pretty ill this past year or so, been close to a ticket to heaven a few times. She had another booking about ten days ago, but once again proved that docs are human and the facts don't always add up, and she's still fighting away and with us. She is still very ill, and I think we have settled for the fact that she won't recover this time, just keep delaying the reaper.

What it has meant is that I am up and down to the hospital, leaving little time for running, so it's back to intermittent running again, but I need the runs to de-stress as well, so I am trying. The weight is moving in the right direction, down 6 lbs since the beginning of the month, and I plan on running a 7.75K race tomorrow evening locally, really locally, as it runs right past my apartment - No time goal, just the run will do me good. Hopefully things will settle down into a routine soon, fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your mum... I know this is a difficult time for you. Thank goodness you live close enough to go back and forth to the hospital, I am sure it is a comfort to her.
My thoughts are with you,

Thomas said...

All the best to your mum. She's pulled back before when nobody thought it possible,

Déirdre Celine said...

Good for you Liam, hope you did well in your Race. Let me know. Would have been there but other committments.


DawnB said...

Hope things goes smoothly with your mother I'll say a blessing

Liam said...

Thanks to everyone for the kind words, we're all hanging with her and saying our prayers, and trying to deal with things as we all can, in many different ways.