Monday, November 27, 2006

The Fighting Spirit

An update - Monday 27th -

Firstly may I say a BIG thank you to everyone who has posted comments, called me, emailed, and said a prayer at this time. I am eternally grateful, and appreciate every kind word and thought.

Mum is fighting hard, and stil will us, showing such spirit that us young ones should bottle and save for ever. She was tired on Friday evening, but chatting away. Saturday she slept all day, waking around 10:30 in the evening for a little chat, before settling down for the night. Liam Óg and myself managed to get some sleep in a bed, and Sunday morning I got a call from the hospital - Mum was out of bed, sitting in the chair, having a cup of tea, and spoke to me on the phone.

Sunday afternoon, I think half of Ireland was around her bed, the rules say no more than two visitors at any one time, well she's broke all those medical rules by coming back to us on Thursday/Friday, so who was going to care too much that at least a dozen people were there :).

Now, I'm not going to pretend that she has won the battle, but she is certainly giving Father Time a run for his money, and I wouldn't put money against her. It's a case of taking each day as it comes - some days will be positive, some will see set-backs. There is still fluid on the chest, and possible infection, so maybe I shouldn't be as optimistic as I feel, but I am so glad that Friday happened, and that memory will be with me for ever, even if she lives to 120 (She's threatened it!).

Thanks everyone - Liam and Liam Óg


susie said...

What a fighter your mom is. I, too, am sending prayers....though she sounds like she is on the upswing. How wonderful for your family.

runner26 said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...godspeed.

Thomas said...

She's certainly one tough lady, your mum. Best Wishes!

Brendan said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you as well.

Anonymous said...

Go, Mum!! Good for her. I'm so glad you and Liam the Younger can be with her. I'll bet it's helped her fight back more than you know.

nyflygirl said...

sending thoughts and prayers across the Atlantic to you too...

Skylight said...

Hope her health continues to improve. Best wishes to you all...

Anonymous said...

Was Dee not there to help you Liam? You have always spoke about your precious Dee up to this point so surely she was there for you AND your mum.