Morning - And home at last after the long weekend in Prague. I'll be brief here as I have to get off to work and only have a few minutes, but I do promise a full account later. The bottom line was that it was a lovely city, the course was great by my standards, with a few exceptions, but nothing major, met some great folk on our travels, and I ran a decent marathon, finishing in 4:07:57. Mildly disappointing as I had hoped to break 4 hours, but it was very warm and I have no complaints, in fact I am very pleased with the time, an improvement of some 13 minutes on Connemara. Full report to follow, and a BIG thanks to those who have supported me in this - much appreciated.
Sounds like a great race, and a good improvement over the last race. I look forward to reading your report.
Don't they drink Budweiser in Prague?
Congratulations on yet another marathon, and it IS your best time in four years. Are you still planning on doing Longford next?
Looking forward to the race report--and the beer report as well. 13 minute improvement is no small feat! Congrats on the improvement!
Good job, Liam! Can't wait to hear more.
Glad to hear you enjoyed my city!
Congrats on the marathon!....I cant wait to read the full report!
-Erika (ermas running)
Great job Liam, congratulations!!!
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
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