Where did it go - Did I sleep through it?
Well, I sure as hell didn't run through it at 90 miles an hour - or even ninety miles a month! My serious running has certainly taken a nose dive over recent months, and whilst I continue to Hash, the training in-between hashses has been sporadic at best, and non-existant in any structured plan. I have been struggling to run more than 5 km, and will continue to do so for a while, as my weight is only just hovering under the 200lbs mark. I could use excuses, I did incur an injury or two, but these were relatively minor, and normally I would have run through these, so what is it?
As I say, I am enjoying my Hashing with the Dublin Hash House Harriers, and have taken part in most of the runs since May, culminating in The Hash In The Bog last weekend, and a couple of pics are attached - although, sadly I'm not in any of them, I had the camera :), but you get the idea. Maybe the time has come to accept that my Serious Running Days are over for good, and I should just enjoy the fun that Hashing brings - a new set of friends - Maybe the next few months will tell me the direction to go - Maybe I can lose 10 lbs and start to run better again, and get motivated to run hard - Maybe Oasis will have a hit album!......
Time, as they say, will tell........
hey! I am sure you'll soon get back on track. don't give up...I know you love running more than you love your pint...or do you?? :)))))))
hope to see you soon.
Hi. Just discovered your blog while searching for over 50 runners. There really aren't that many of us, you know! Great blog. Linked to my own, new: Running Over 50. Left, right, repeat.
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