Amazingly, it is 4 months since I last wrote anything on here. I know I have been lax in the past, but this just about takes the biscuit...
Have I been running - well, not really. I managed to acquire a groin injury before Xmas last, and I found it difficult to shake it off. Must be old age! What it meant was, I could run on a Monday, the groin would stiffen up the next day, I would need 48 hours for it to "de-flame", and then on Thursday I could run again, and go through the stiff/de-flame process again - so as you can guess, very little real training was done.
So here we are, Easter 2009, and I am glad to report that after a complete rest from running through March, the groin has cleared up, and I am back running on a daily (ish) basis. Obviously taking it gently, step by step, not helped by the fact that my weight ballooned up to around 205 lbs, but I have actually got into double figures for mileage this week, and I can build from here.
My first challenge is likely to be a 5 Mile Road Race on May 2nd, part of the BHAA series, but it will be a very gentle excursion, and will indicate how much I need to do before I can realistically start to set goals for the second half of the year. The only real goal I have is to run injury free for 6 months - Mind you, I think I have set that one before!
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