Friday, October 24, 2008

Stop - Start

Just in case I am talking to myself these days - I deserve to. I have been so irregular on here, I would be amazed if anyone has any patience left with me.

On the plus side, I am now injury free. I am still hashing and this has allowed me to keep some semblance of running in my life. This weekend here in Dublin, it's Marathon time. Obviously I am not running it this year, but I am contrbuting by Volunteering at a water station on Monday (Mile 15!), and I am also leading out a hash on Sunday for those visiting, a Sightseeing Hash!

But where does that leave my running. I had been thinking of running the Cross Country this winter, but knowing that being out of shape and running X-Country are not ideal friends, I will postpone those until the New Year, but I will target two low key races in December as runs. A 10K on Dec 6th, the Aware Race, and the Jingle Bells 5K the following weekend.

The biggest problem I have at present is my weight. I crept over 200lbs a couple of weeks ago, but glad to say I am back under again, and really will have to work on getting this back down to my Running Weight, which is below 185 - We shall see.....

1 comment:

Thomas said...

I might be seeing you on Monday then, but I doubt I'll have time for a chat ...

Thanks for volunteering, though!