Thursday, December 31, 2015

Heat, humidity, a Race, and a Holiday - What more is there to life?

Yep, the year is almost at an end, and I'm still running, despite temps being in the 30's all week. I actually took a week off, given that I am actually on my first holiday in over a year, and managed to chill out a little with a few beers, catching up with old friends down here in Argentina, and working on my tan! But I did have the little matter of a final race for the year, and being honest, a race I have wanted to run for a long time. The San Silvestre, Buenos Aires. This is a race that started in 1925 in Sao Paolo, Brazil, and has changed distances many times, although the one in Brazil has settled at 15Km since 1991. As a youngster reading about classic races around the world, this was up there with the Boston Marathon (remember New York or London Marathons hadn't even been born when I was a youngster running), and I dream't of one day taking part. Well, 6 years ago, the organisers set up a spin off San Silvestre Race here in Buenos Aires, and unfortunately, I was never able to take part when I was living here, for one reason or another, but this year, I was here, I was fit (ish), and nothing was going to stop me, even teh temperatures hitting the 30's..

So, this morning, December 31st, at 8am, Paula and myself lined up for the start of the San Silvestre Buenos Aires 6th Edition, and along with nearly 5,000 others we ran around the Capital of Argentina, taking in the sights. I have to confess that I haven't acclimatised to the heat, and December/January is certainly not the best time to be running in BA, and with excessive humidity, running is tough for this Northern Hemisphere Pale-Skin. I had hoped to run around 45 minutes, knowing the heat/humidity would slow me down, but I set off at just under 5:30 pace, hoping I could sustain this. I reached half way in around 22 minutes, which was spot on target, but the wheels were starting to come off as we emerged from the side streets of San Telmo onto 9 de Julio, and the blazing sun - Yes, even at 8.30 in the morning it was getting towards 30 degrees... It was a bit stop start from there on in, taking in water at every opportunity, but enjoying the view as I strolled along, and as we past Casa Rosada, the Pink House of the President, some will recall from watching Evita!, and with only 500m to go, I dug deep, pulled myself together, focused on the finishing line in the distance, with the Obelisco, synonymous with Buenos Aires, despite a Canadian friend calling it a Big Willy!, just behind the line, I dug in, went past a few people, not letting anyone past me as ever, and crossed the line in the Chip Time of 46:40.

I was disappointed in the time, but at the same time, given the conditions it was very reasonable, and finishing in 2018th place, out of 4829 finishers, obviously I wasn't alone in finding the conditions tough. Once I collected my medal, took in copious amounts of fluid, I headed back to see Paula finish in under 75 minutes, which I know she was very happy with, although she also hated the humidity of the day - So it's not just us Pale-Skins! After meeting up we did what every runner should do after a race on the last day of the year, and went for an Ice-Cream - Delicious....

Well, that brings me to the end of 2015. A pretty eventful year, a few ups and downs along the way, but with 39 Races completed, comprising of; 3 Half-Marathons; 2 10Milers; 9 10Ks; 7 5Milers or 8Kms; 13 parkruns, plus an additional 5K Trail Race; a 4 Miler, and 3 Track Races over varying distances, the year comes to its conclusion. It may not have been a great year in terms of times, but certainly one of the busiest I have ever had, helped by the parkruns which are so tempting to run on a Saturday morning if nothing else on the calendar that weekend.

Although the year is ending, my holiday isn't, and I will have another week plus here, to enjoy the New Year Celebrations later today with the family, and another week of seeing friends, with the added spice that RSP does Jantastic
starts on Monday next. Although I can only commit to 2 runs in the first week, as I will be travelling at the end of the week over 2 days, it will be great to keep me motivated as I return to Storm Swept Ireland next Sunday (10th).

I will evaluate my goals for next year in another post. Suffice to say, I have already entered a few races in the year to come, first off being Raheny 5m at the end of January. I am guessing it might not be as hot and humid as today, so hopefully, I can run better in a race I have always enjoyed in the past. Ballycotton 10 in March, and the two Rock n Roll Half Marathons, in Madrid in April, and Dublin in August have had my money already, and I am sure the Dublin Race Series will be completed this year again, along with a number of the BHAA Races, not to forget parkruns - But the main focus will be on the Dublin City Marathon in October, but more about that later.

All that remains is for me to wish both my readers a Happy New Year, and for the runner in you to succeed in your own ambitions in 2016.

Athbhliain faoi shéan agus faoi shona duit.

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