Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Short runs - Just not enough of them.....

Managed another run tonight, just a little easy 1.5 miles on a sultry evening. I haven't been sleeping too well, unsurprisingly, and the effort of lacing up my shoes is a bind. Mentally I still am a runner. I read the mags, I plan my races, the one thing I can't seem to do right now is actually do the running :) - Still, it's 19 weeks and 6 days to Dublin, plenty of time :).......

Seriously I do plan to get back into a routine, and pick myself up from the running demise. If you can all remember, I promised myself that I would qualify for Boston 2008, my 50th birthday present to myself, and I will do it - It is in me, I just need to unleash the Old Liam.

Thomas, a note to thank you for your words, along with Dana, Dori, Anonymous(Rachelle) and many others, I appreciate the support from "virtual" friends, and old pals alike - Now push my fat arse out on that road - I can't use the weather as an excuse - It's gorgeous running weather here :)....

Boston or Bust - I don't want to go bust....

1 comment:

PRTZL said...

Oh...well...since you asked me to...I'm happy to apply some pedoglutial pressure.

