Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Apologies to one and all

Still being relatively new to this blogging game, I have to apologise to friends and new readers for the gaps between posts in the past couple of weeks. Things have been a little hectic since my trip to Prague, and I haven't had much time to get on the PC. Added to that, the past weekend, the weather has taken a turn for the sublime, with temperatures well up into the 70's, a beautiful sun, and a garden begging for attention. So, I succumbed (is that how you spell it?) -

Before my hiatus from filling you in with the details of my life, I had been having some thoughts about potential US Presidential Candidates from the Democrats perspective. This was fuelled by the re-emergence of Al Gore into the public eye. I am a keen sophologist, and follow American politics closely (well as closely as someone from 3000 miles might), and thought that Hilary was a shoe in for the nomination. Now I know that she has her haters as well as her lovers, and I was wondering what my American readers take on this is. Irrepsective of your own leanings, would Hilary make a good candidate, or are many democrats looking for an ABH candidate (Anyone But Hilary), with Al Gore's re-birth seen as a God Send. I wonder?????

Back to running, and my Dublin build up officially starts next Monday, a 20 week programme, and I will get back to that later in the week. Just in from an easy 3 mile run just to turn the legs over, and now back to that garden :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, the Irish are following American politics? It's painful enough having to follow them here without effort. :-D My thoughts on Hillary Clinton are as follows - she is an intelligent individual who has accomplished a tremendous amount for someone who does have so many enemies in D.C., but I think she has been pandering to the Right too mch over the past year. She will NEVER get elected by trying to appease the religious right. Being elected in 2008 should be the easiest possible task because it requires only one modicum of wisdom - TELLING THE TRUTH. The majority of Americans are sick of rhetoric, soundbites, "I can neither confirm nor deny" bits, and irrational explanations for actions from the administration. Both Republicans and Democrats want a truth-teller.

That being said, the candidate I would most likely support in 2008 is Russell Feingold, a Democratic senator from Wisconsin. Feingold is truthful (not to be confused with radical - just truthful) and wise leader who does not incite arguments but does not back down on rational principles. When he asked for Censure of the president recently, even Democrats were terrified to back him on this. Why shouldn't the president receive Censure (in reality, a "slap on the wrist")? He broke the law by admitting he did not feel the need to obtain court orders to place wire taps. When the president breaks the law, Congress should do this - and yet Feingold was the only one willing to enforce the law.

Since this is a running blog, I'll stop here. But you asked. :)

Liam said...

Thanks Jodi -

Yes it's primarily a running blog, but it raises intersting questions, and the blog is about my life, and American Politics is an interest I have, so feel free.

I appeciate the localised knowledge. I rely on the net, the International Herald/Tribune, USA Today, Newsweek, Time and CNN for my info, so..... Yep, I asked, and I appreciate the answer - :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Liam! Welcome back. Personally, I like Hillary because she's smart, she's proven that she can be a consensus-builder, and I have no doubt that she'd be an amazing leader. Having said that, in my view she's unelectable. Despite the gains she's made through consensus-building in the Senate, she was branded a liberal long ago, and that's the kiss of death with even moderate Republicans. On the Democratic side of the house, she alienated a great many people by coming out in support of the Iraq war and by staying silent in the face of very real threats to the curtailing of privacy. She's a brilliant and talented woman, but she's viewed as a politician who will say whatever she thinks will get her elected.

I like Al Gore too, but I think he's unelectable as well. He comes across as stiff and pedantic, and Joe Sixpacks (that's a euphanism for average working people) don't relate well to that. The impression he put forth last time he ran was that he felt that he had put in the legwork, so he was owed the presidency. It reminds me of the kid who gets straight A's but has no social skills and wonders why no one likes him when they should really all want to be just like him. Really smart kids know that in addition to the grades, they have to be able to relate to other people, because after a certain point in life, networking and gladhanding will go a lot farther to instill confidence and gain people's trust than straight A's ever will. I don't think Al Gore ever internalized that lesson.

I think the Democrats' best hope is a long shot, and one that probably wouldn't win on the first campaign: Senator Barack Obama of Illinois.

Truthfully, though, I wish we could have Bill back for another eight years.